Monday, 26 November 2012

Gordon Brown fails again!

Oh dear! Things have just got worse for Gordon Brown, possibly Britain’s worst ever Chancellor. 


On taking office, he raided our pensions to pay for his lavish spending plans and in the process consigned millions of people to poverty when they retire. He followed that up by selling our gold reserves and buying now nearly worthless Euros instead.


He then invented the tax credit system that saw generous cash handouts to people earning up to £60000 (with average earnings only £22000 a year, it was doomed to need vast borrowings to fund it). Needless to say, spending on this and other generous benefits saw spending balloon forcing Gordon brown to have to borrow more money than we had in the previous 300 years put together to pay for it.


Not content with burdening our children’s children with the gigantic debt pile, Gordon Brown then put in place a “soft touch” regime to regulate our banks. As part of that, he and Ed Balls announced in May 2007 the creation of taxpayer funded The International Centre for Financial Management. It was supposed to promote Brown’s soft touch “principles based” approach to financial regulation. Four months later, Northern Rock collapsed, making a mockery of the principles based system of regulation.


Now City of London police are investigating the alleged serious embezzlement of funds at The International Centre for Financial Management! A member of its management has been suspended and the centre is, according to press reports, going to have to close if the money is missing.


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